Zoological Gardens

Zoological Gardens

Since the performance of the Ambient Squad already they had been apprehended about 800 birds in good part destined the acquittal and directed others (Zoological gardens). To read more click here: Rob Hannah. These activities take in account related factors to the health and the natural distribution of these species, searching to attempt against for the recommendations of the IUCN (1987), how much to the destination of confiscated birds, so that the acquittal of apprehensions does not provoke disequilibria related to the introduction of specimens and/or exotic illnesses to one determined region. Being thus any type of work directed toward the destination of birds learned it follows sufficiently rigorous criteria, so that they are not overcome measured that they generate problems the local fauna. 3,3 Procedures of implantation the cost of the used material for the construction of the enclosure, feeding and maintenance would be deriving of apprehensions. A covenant with the Public prosecution service will be carried through, where the infractor defrays the construction of the enclosure and part of the feeding of these birds for a period stipulated for justice. This referring expenditure and the judiciary fines that the infractor pays the entity. The apprehended birds will be directed to the center of selection Chico Mendes in the city of Pirassununga, move until it final.

It is considered for all effect that the city will keep the maintenance of workmanship hand human being and part of the feeding. For the workmanship hand the city will be able to be conveniar with university for the college student act of contract that they are attending a course in the ambient area. This hand of workmanship alone could more be used for learning of the trainee and in a extending period of two years for two. The city will keep a biologist, a veterinarian, two analysts ambientam and tratadores, concursados. For the position of ambient analyst the employee must have superior level in the performance area.

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