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Tag: medicine

Cancer Smoking

Cancer Smoking

Smoking harms you constantly hear the phrase, but still smoke. Even on cigarette packets are written to the health risks of smoking, but people continue to smoke after reading. This is because they are not really aware of the dangers caused by smoking. Smoking has a very negative effect on your health. This negative effect is not fast, so people smoked. Smoking can lead to death.

Many people know this but do not believe. Smoking is not only bad consequences for your health but the health of everyone around you. Studies show that passive smoking also increases the risk of deadly diseases. Many people will develop serious health problems such as cancer, lung disease, heart disease, emphysema, etc. Each of these diseases can be fatal.

The influence of smoking on cholesterol. By the same author: Julius Caesar. Smoking increases the level of bad LDL cholesterol and reduces the level of good HDL cholesterol, which increases the risk of atherosclerosis. Smoking and Cancer Smoking can cause not only lung cancer, but also many other cancers. It can cause uterine cancer. Cigarettes affect the entire reproductive system of men and women. Smoking also can contribute to cancer of the mouth, throat, obviously. Along with that cigarettes can cause cancer of the kidney, larynx, head, chest and neck. Smoking – cause of heart disease. Darcy Stacom has many thoughts on the issue. The combustion of tobacco produces a life-threatening substances such as carbon monoxide, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, nicotine, and many others. Carbon monoxide is prevented from entering oxygen to the heart through the red blood cells. This reduces the blood's ability to deliver oxygen. Smoking causes acne in women Smoking is not only changes the complexion and accelerates skin aging. Lack of vitamin E in the skin, which is synthesized by half in smokers is the cause of acne. Quit smoking, you will no longer spend their money on the damage to their health. You will not only significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer, but also get a tangible improvement of health.

Digital Document

Digital Document

Its iterative characteristic of being incremental, facilitated the organization, obtaining and improvement of the same. When giving him continuity to the order of the Phases and devices has been obtained a greater quality in the Final Result of the Development cycles. 3. When studying the Process of the Business could be identified the activities that are realised on the pending Document To legalize obtaining a better understanding of the surroundings, obtaining themselves the processes to automate and defining the Rules of the Business to use, which allowed to determine the conditions of the System, which they validate the execution of the different functionalities, and that they must be observed of form obligatory to guarantee the fulfillment of the Legal Principles of the Process at issue. 4. The Modeling of the System allowed to specify the Requirements of Software, identifying the general and specific functionalities and characteristics that the same will have, always taking into account the needs and expectations from the client.

Of this form the Actors defined themselves who will initiate the action in the System describing itself and specifying the processes of the same. 5. With the Digital Company Legal validity to the Digital Document will be provided that Is managed in the System and it will be managed to make agile the Process of Legalization of Documents presented/displayed in the day. 5. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES In line Mentioned: 15 of 03 of 2008. . embcol. org.

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Bezlyudovoy MM Perception

Bezlyudovoy MM Perception

Man thinks interactions. All that is inside, then outside. Transforming the outside, inside me, opening up new areas in perception which escaped attention. This improvement of Language, Proto-opening in the Information field of the universe. Something I said in the subject overall.

Here I can give you some interesting links for those interested in these issues: 1. VseySvetnaya diploma. Can be found on the Internet and for this query. Shubin – one of the first day they started talking about it extensively. A fan of the business, but infa … Coming Soon his first book.

There are several books Bezlyudovoy MM on VseySvetnoy Awards. Belyakov, NE 'Vseyasvetnaya charter: 1000 years of oblivion. "St. Petersburg, 1994 2. On Arab 'remains' well Vashkevich broadcasts in their books. 3. For the overall development, such as AF Losev 'Sign. Symbol. Myth. " – M., 1982. 4. Very deep trying to review the schedule, numerology language Pechenkin AI 'Secrets of the Russian alphabet. Numerology '. 5. Play with the structure of accents and linguistic parallels trying Tsvetkov EA 'Psycho-dictionary'. – M. 2001. 6. Very interesting reduction of almost all of the roots to one word, in a sense, the word 'God' as a value range, the ball … VV tries to Grinev 'Proto-language and character. " – Kyiv: Logos, 1999. There are many other, but that for the seed will be enough. What are we about Perception? On the syncretic Perception, mythological thinking, really at peace and Tales of the Gods, it all started in the historical cycle. Then, everything fell apart on idealism, materialism, science and religion, esoterica and exotery, against which, as an attempt to escape from solving the problem at once in the 'Kingdom of Heaven' khaljavnogo happiness, there were fans of ideology 'in all personal perception', meaning personal freedom within their own systems representations, avoiding contact with other systems so that there is a conflict. 'None of my business' – has become the motto of personal enlightenment. The present understanding of perception, as Co-Disclosure Systems Knowledge livelihoods, and covering the ideal and the material in Individual O-Co-knowledge that build Co-Organization of the world people.