Education Of Young Adult

Education Of Young Adult

In the decade of 50, several had appeared criticize in relation to the Education of Young Adult, criticized the administrative, financial forms, the pedagogical orientation the period where the people led to be alfabetizadas and the method that was used to alfabetizar the adult population. (A valuable related resource: Jonas Samuelson). All these you criticize had converged to a new vision on the problem of the illiteracy in Brazil appeared thus a new pedagogical paradigm for the education of adults, whose main reference the pernambucano educator Pablo Freire Snows. The pedagogical thought of Pablo Freire, as well as its proposal for alfabetizao of adults, inspired the main programs of alfabetizao of existing popular education in the country. In the years 60 these proposals had been hugged by intellectuals, students, and churches all engagements in favor of the alfabetizao of the adults. The method of Pablo Freire created a new paradigm for the alfabetizao of young adult, where it tells the alfabetizao of adults did not make use of a proper referencial theoretical, whom the procedures and resources are used same metodolgicos with the young children and not with adult. Let us see what Moura (2001, p.26) affirms on the subject: The initiatives and actions that occur in this period had passed the edge of the reflections and decisions about proper theoretical referencial for the area these hypotheses can be confirmed through the behavior of some educators who during much time had reacted to the idea to change the form of education for children being adaptando them through adult young didactic resources the e. (2001, p.26) In this vision of Moura, it was difficult for the educators, of the time, who worked with young adult, to follow a metodolgica line, therefore the country passed for a period of military regimen. In this period the social inaqualities had increased very in the country. To brighten up the situation where if it found the nation schools had been created techniques that prepared hand of cheap workmanship without if worrying about a formation of educational, however only with the increase of the productivity.

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