

The correctly chosen remedy used a pulse, so that the body again undisturbed and effectively can access his powers of self regulation. Homeopathy can be used parallel to the conventional medicine. Both directions of the therapy can complement each other. Since the Hahnemann discovered homeopathy, a lot has happened. There are Komplexmittel, there are homeopathic remedies which are like prescribed or purchased in pharmacies, there are plenty of books for home use. Most of it has nothing to do with classical homeopathy! Since the classical homeopathy by means of individual works, that is, that Komplexmittel in this sense are not classic homeopathic and holistic approach shows that also-related organ or symptom-related regulations such as E.g.

I push myself and get a bruise so I’ll take arnica”are not classic homeopathic. Just as non-critical medications or self regulations may have even adverse effects such as E.g. exacerbation of complaints or oppressive. More information is housed here: Kevin Johnson. The commute or kinsiologische test of the correct”means is not classical homeopathic. It is not necessarily wrong”or does not lead to the desired result, it is only the method after not classical homeopathic. Just because you get a ut patisches means, it has no classical homeopathic treatment! What is there in classical homeopathy, there are different schools.

You’ve heard maybe from the Heather school or the sensation method or the Boger-Bacolod method. They abide by the old rules, but different focal points in the history of the case taking. I find the results from the different approaches are the same, so the means of what I think a method ideal type also using the other method. Let me now just Enter the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies. The medium should be similar. How do I find that out? What the patient has, I request history. This is very comprehensive and includes current complaints as well as earlier, but also issues such as dealing with grief, temperature sensitivity, disease in the family come to the language.

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