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Month: September 2012

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The Resolution n 274/00 brought referring modifications to the pointers, in relation to the Resolution n 20/86. In the old resolution, one says in fecais coliformes and coliformes totals. In the recent resolution, it is said in termotolerantes fecais coliformes, Escherichia coli and enterococos. In accordance with the Art. n 2, 3, of the resolution n 274/00, the referring standards to the enterococos is applied, only, to sea waters. Tables 1 and 2 show these described information above in summary. TABLE 1? DESCRIPTION OF THE CLASSIFICATIONS PROPER AND IMPROPER. Proper classification and Improper ClassificaoPercentagem of the samples fecais analisadasLimites Coliformes (NMP/100 ml) Escherichia coli (NMP/100 ml) PROPER Inferior to the value indicated in 80% of last five amostras1000800 IMPRPRIASuperior to the value indicated in last 20% of the 5 amostras1000800 Superior to the value indicated in last amostra25002000 Source: Brazil (2000).

Conama resolution n 274, of 29.11.2000, Art. 2. TABLE 2? CATEGORIES OF THE PROPER CLASSIFICATION. Limits of Coliformes Fecais for 100 ml (for category) Category Percentage of the analyzed samples fecais Limits Coliformes (NMP/100 ml) Escherichia coli (NMP/100 ml) Excellent maximum Value in 80% of last five 800 samples 250 200 Good 500 400 Very Satisfactory 1000 Source: Brazil (2000). Conama resolution n 274, of 29.11.2000, Art. 2. Methodology Characterization of the place of the research the balneal Hidding place of the Carleto is a situated island in the River Chopim, that makes verge with the city of Colonel Vivida and Honrio Serpa.

The access to the health-resort of – for the Lived city of Colonel, located, approximately, 420Km of Curitiba. The River Chopin, analyzed in this work, is the biggest river of region, much used for activity of recreation being the main affluent river of the left edge of the river Iguau. The climate of the region is Subtropical Humid Mesotrmico, hot summers with trend of concentration of rains (superior average temperature 22 C), winters with little frequent frosts (inferior average temperature 18 C), without defined dry station.