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Month: October 2012

National Politics Environment

National Politics Environment

In a context of ambient crisis, each more necessary time becomes the insertion of the ambient dimension in practical educative and the miditicas ones that aims at the recycling of garbage or rubbish in the direction of the reaproveitamento of materials in the civil construction. The responsibility of the human being stops with the environment is inigualvel, therefore, it is the only one that he can intervene maleficently of beneficial form or on the same. The book ' ' Silenciosa&#039 spring; ' writing in 1962 for Rachel Carson, already alerted on the harmful effect of innumerable actions human beings on the environment. what we can understand for environment? It has a diversity of definitions for the term environment, as n 6,938/81 makes use the Law, on the National Politics of Environment that defines it ' ' Set of conditions, laws, influences and interactions of physical, chemical and biological order that allows, shelters and conducts the life in all its formas' ' (MMA, 2008). Reigota (1994, p.21) defines as ' ' … a place definitive and/or perceived where they are in dynamic relations and constant interaction the natural aspects and sociais' '. For the author these relations cause historical processes of cultural and technological creation and processes and politicians of transformation of the nature and the society.

In the vision of Vieira (2001), the term: … not in such a way assigns to a specific object (nature, natural spaces, landscapes, nestings), but a relation of interdependence. It can thus be constituted of the donation of different theoretical perspectives and scales, reflecting the option for problematic, you specify in the scope of the most varied areas of scientific specialization. In this process, whichever to the definition that if gives for the term environment, the important one is that if it has the same objective and vision of the interrelation of the life as a whole, therefore, the environment involves all the necessary factors the survival of each species of the planet.

Oil Dependence

Oil Dependence

However it covets, it for always wanting more, it can take the ambient degradaes and impacts with emission of pollutants in the atmosphere, mainly the calls effect gases greenhouse (GEE). Then, to unite economic and ambient growth is the main focus of this process, diverse alternative sources of energy can be detached, as biomass, the etanis, solar energy, of aeolian and among others the sources you renewed. The great difficulty for the ample use of the solar energy is the cost, since they are more expensive than the gotten one of the oil. But she is necessary to give time, meanwhile the governments invest in the known energies since they cannot run the risk to suffer ' ' apages' ' – collapse in the supply of electric energy that reached Brazil in 2001. The energy consumption has taken to the quarrel on the scarce future next to goods favorable to the survival human being, and the recurrence the energy alternatives you renewed raises controversy.

With respect to dependence to the oil, ' ' acomodao' ' social global in generalized way, it will result later in a convulsion in search of precious ' ' Ouro Preto ' '. In the distance in the relation society-nature it will be each bigger time if it will not have measured immediate to the ambient solutions. Thus, one concludes that the strong interdependent linking between society and energy generates development in the socioeconmicas structures. But it is important to remember the negative and positive factors regarding such development. However, borders to be expanded and others exist to be reduced, helping to coexist it us. These serve as indicating of the future for which the humanity walks. It only remains to know us to interpret them and to act as necessary either expanding or moderating, but always in change for what he is better. At last, ' ' As the productive factors they are scarce and the necessities limitless human beings, the agent economic need to decide where to apply the resources preferential disponveis' '.