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Month: October 2017

Life Love

Life Love

It seems impossible but one of situations that makes more unhappy couples are the ways of love and behaves in the relationship. In general we’re going only by the love, attraction, but although this condition helps much, it is not the only important thing when it comes to us to link with a couple. About everything when you live with it. An infinite number of factors come into play in the cohabitation of couples. Of course not be they have referred in the light of love, romance, and high expectations of forming a life with someone, with that someone that I chose as my perfect partner. With a great illusion of living a life of a two.

Always accompanied. Always recognized. Always loved that harsh reality is imposed. The everyday ends with all the possible and probable expectations. We are six who formed couple, believe it or not, since each of the members of the new link loving some of coexistence and condescension, and soon, after I feel distraught, or only, or perhaps, I just do not understand what the life partner is beliefs, myths and expectations come into play in the couple relationship. But no, we want all see with the veils of love and goodwill. It is there, where our misfortunes are filled with helplessness always there is a road and the only possible is the courage to revise the own biography, and if not, that also is a choice, as worthy as anyone else, to remain in the circle of suffering of attachment and heartbreak, either a man or a woman. Nobody has the magic formula for this adventure of the couple. Each one of them in particular, will discover their own ways to act, relate or to love.However, it is important to note that each of the members of the couple brings a social, emotional, cultural baggage that cannot be seen in the time of falling in love.

Getting More Customers More Sales

Getting More Customers More Sales

Eight years ago in the United States, was part of a sales team led by Ferrigno Dotty has generated millions in his career. For my results in sales, I won, along with other equipment, a relaxing stay three days in a field with a beautiful lake and 5 star service (if you saw me, looked like a child discovering a paradise). In the afternoon, my head and I escaped in a canoe to go for the arm of the sea and share together, laugh and relax. Swarmed by offers, Ben Horowitz is currently assessing future choices. In the conversation I asked, “What do you want to accomplish with your life, Diana?”. And I said …

“I want it all! I had nothing as a child and I see you, know your history and your achievements and I want what you have. That car, that lifestyle. I want financial freedom. I want to be free. Do not worry about money. I want EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING! “. And these were the three strategies that gave me that today I continue to literally … 1.

Read, read, read My principal read a book a week. He had a library at home with all sorts of topics. He lent me many books and always told me: “They are not ready to anyone because you never come back.” And he was right. I still have some. 🙂 I suggest you create the habit of reading a lot about the industry where you are. I speak from experience. I did not finish school and all I know and all I have achieved has been through constant reading on the industry in which I stand. “But the secret is to read,” once told me my head. “No, ma’am. The secret is …. ” 2. Choosing the best When I’m reading a book, I have a bookmark to point out the things that stand out and attract my attention. My director said that when finished the book, re-start and read only things checked. This, according to her I would help with retention. What I do now is to record my voice while reviewing the areas marked in the book and I go to bed at night listening.