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Month: January 2014

Federal Service

Federal Service

Spectrum used by their actions is broader than that of bank employees. Spoil life inveterate debtor they may complete the program. Standard algorithm of the collection agency is as follows: 1. Preliminary work by the call center: SMS and telephone calls informing debtors. 2. Notification letters – notices to debtors who have not responded to telephone calls. 3.

Departure address and personal information to the debtor 4. Search debtors, collect additional information about the debtor 5. Applying to the court. In any case, collectors must act within the legal field. The collector has no right to put pressure on the debtor to be rude to him, to threaten physical violence. If the employee is engaged in debt collection, exceeded its authority, the debtor has a right to complain to his creditor, who may revise the terms of cooperation with collectors (but only in If the debt is on the bank's balance sheet). You can consult the manual collection company, calling the employee's name, which, according to the debtor used the illegal practices. You can also complain to the Federal Service, Association for the Development of collection business.

In extreme cases you need to contact the police. Property taken away by force the final stage in the process of debt recovery is to contact the creditor in court, where it can require the sale of collateral, if any. According to the court an apartment or a car, put in the bank, sell at auction. However, the borrower such a development is not profitable.

Imperial Village

Imperial Village

The district of Crossroads was servant, through Law n 03 of 18 of October of 1895 for the City council of the City of the Conquest. Of the Imperial Village of Victory had broken the first families who had installed the first farms of cattle in the district of peace of Crossroads, of which the Town of Brook of the Plaza was part. Amongst the main familiar trunks that had arrived at the town, valley to cite the family you Francisco Saints, Ferraz Joo de Oliveira and Rufino Leather strap of Mello. Also they had been part of this process of occupation and povoamento to the families of Mr. Juvncio Gonalves de a Cruz and its brother Mr. Prudncio Gonalves. Of Minas Gerais, of the city of Medina, they had come the members of the family of Mr. Policarpo Blacksmith of the Angels.

In accordance with the depositions, in 1900, Mr. Joo Ferraz de Oliveira, constructed a large house in the Town where he established a House of Business destined for sale of fabric, hardware and foods. He was also at this time that if constructed a small Church where if they carried through masses, marriages and baptisms. The farmers of the region the traders had also started to construct its houses of residence and commerce in the headquarters of the town. In this context, he constructed himself one ' ' Barraco' ' destined the landing of troops and floated comings of the North of Minas Gerais. With the construction of the road that bound the Imperial Village of the Victory to the North of Mines, the town became obligator stop for the traders of cattle, cattle tenders and tropeiros. After its emancipation in 1921, Crossroads suffered some alterations in the composition from the city. In the year of 1924, other municipal and state laws had established the district of peace of Crossroads and the district of Campinas, current locality of Campinarana, in the new city of Brook of the Plaza.

Demonstrate Sales

Demonstrate Sales

2. Make sure that the design of your website is at the height of the circumstances, that has a good presentation and is easy to navigate. Get rid of distractions like flash or graphics without sense that are a waste of time and delay the load of your site; simplify your web site, nothing flash, graphics or pop ups!. 3. Use psychologically effective colors; the blue color indicates reliability, quality, success, seriousness, the tranquility the perfect choice for the sales page. Avoid purple, which connotes the uncertainty and ambiguity, and only use the yellow to highlight key words and sentences. Also, try to have so much space as possible with white, this makes it a much cleaner look and above all easy to read.

4. Get your own domain name, this you may be costing on average $9 a year; try to choose a key phrase related to your niche, or you can use your first and last name. 5 Demonstrate what you say. Back up your assertions with cold, hard, indisputable and verifiable facts. 6.

Put your name, phone number and address of your web site 7. Use authentic testimonials from customers, with names full name, just make sure have the permissions first. 8 Offer a fair and reasonable guarantee for repayment of the money in case the customer is not satisfied with the product; This warranty may vary from 30 to 90 days; more better days. 9 Make it easy the payment process for your customers; always try to offer a variety of payment options. If you are using a single system, I can assure you that you are losing sales. 10 And last but not least, be sure to count on a powerful sales letter. A strong and effective sales letter can make you earn a lot of money. If you are not able to write that kind of sales letters, hire an expert in writing that I do it for you.

The Article

The Article

That being so, is no longer only to thrive but also, and above all; not to lose what we have achieved. It is not a simple task to get a conventional job. That is why there is to experiment with alternatives. And the best ones are those that give us extra money without any investment. After all the money we do not spare. The only way I’ve seen this at present is work on the Internet.

It is a good option for many. However, nor yet the current job must be neglected. The option of obtaining money through Internet has some advantages. Because we already have too little time. Some at some point even we have been forced to make more than one conventional job. With that the time that we devote to other things and our family, tends to be scarce or none. Earn money with Internet, due to the use of some tools, requires very little time. Everything is automatic and we earn money while we take care of our main job.

We’re even getting income while we have fun or we rested. That is a big advantage especially when a little additional time and money don’t come us not bad. Fortunately, due to the development of the technique, already either can qualify for that option even if you have no knowledge about computer science. In short, when you search for how to increase your income, you must think about it. The solution does not appear by magic or product of any work of your subconscious. First thing: looking for a solution that does not require investment, at least not large. Second thing: that the time consumed in the little you have, either assimilated. And, finally, that does not affect your current job.