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Month: February 2014

Animals Loose In Mendoza

Animals Loose In Mendoza

The Zoo in the city of Mendoza is one of the most important in Latin America. It was founded in 1903 on a draft of the famous landscape architect Carlos Thays, and was originally close to the Tom Thumb theatre. In 1940, began the construction of the new zoo of the city, in its present location on the slopes of the Cerro de La Gloria, in the Park San Martin, minutes from downtown and major hotels in Mendoza capital. The project, signed by the architect Daniel Ramos belts, was very advanced and ambitious: the mendocino zoo opened the doors open Zoo concept. The location of the animals was in large semi-open spaces, which had no bars, trying to play more faithfully possible the natural habitat of each species. And although at present this novel concept was distorted with the construction of some cages, especially for dangerous animals, the Zoo garden of the Parque San Martin is still a walk of great attraction, one of the safety pins of the holidays in Mendoza. The zoo now has a distance of 6.5 Km extension populated a fascinating Cologne of animal species. Some native, other exotic and even endangered.

Its 48 fully forested acres is home to monkeys, birds, elephants, Tigers, zebras, hippos, foxes, llamas, vicunas and polar bears, to name just a few of the 35 species present. It is both what’s to see and facinarse than the to fully explore the zoo should consider 3 hours approximately. The staff of the zoo, conscious of the importance of this walk within tourism in Mendoza, organised guided tours that are main intended to raise awareness about the need to help preserve the flora and fauna world, taking care of the planet. In the Zoo there is an educational program dedicated to students of biology and natural sciences. Enthusiastic dissemination by the participants of this programme, which comprises ad honorem promotional brochures in schools and among those who spend their holidays in Mendoza, has become a stroll to the mendocino zoo a must for anyone that is, temporary or permanently, cuyanas lands. The Zoological Garden of the Cerro de la Gloria remains open during the whole year, and its more than affordable rates include discounts for children, teachers and retirees. A trip that will delight children and adults alike. Jorge Alberto Guinazu original Autor and source of the article

Rita Barbera One Of Family

Rita Barbera One Of Family

Without being Coto Matamoros, nor the Pocholez, nor other TV nightmares, known throughout Spain. Being, moreover, a politician of provinces, the thing has double merit. Theirs are not public Medallion mayestaticas poses. Neither the Pharaonic inaugurations. Neither the grandiloquent phrases for history.

Rita Barbera practice the difficult art of proximity, be like one of the family although we have ever crossed a Word with her. With that seemingly simple baggage goes to its fourth municipal mandate. And, if it has not gone to more things, it is because it has been postponed personal vanity interests collectively superiors. The art of simplicity that the Mayoress of Valencia practice not comes out so easy either. Neither rehearsing piecework in such accelerated course of image for politicians in election campaign. It is a natural gift which has nothing to do with the ideology, nor with partisan acronyms, not even with personal beliefs. Why people who in other circumstances it would be at home watching TV vote him. From time to time, between the folds of her inevitable feminine coquetry, leaves him a radio past which manifests itself in an unmatched management of silences the micro suede. And it is that politicians are convinced by what they say, clear; But if in addition earn avasalladoramente is for the wisdom of what callan. (Journal of Valencia-18 May 2003). Biographical sketch compiled in the book characters of life.-Center Francisco Tomas y Valiente-UNED-Alzira, Valencia-108 pages-2007) original author and source of the article.

Tips On How To Choose A Sewing Machine

Tips On How To Choose A Sewing Machine

Enjoying krasatoy fashion, we often forget, so the clothing developed, on the sewing machine. Sewing machine – a very simple thing, without which, however, life would be different. Either way, it occupies a special place in many people's lives. Like other inventions, the sewing machine went through many changes in the way of perfection. Today, automatic sewing machines almost completely replaced the manual machine.

Thanks to the automatic sewing machine was easy to produce large amounts of high-quality clothing at minimal cost. The modern market offers a wide selection of sewing machines – domestic and heavy-duty industrial machines. All models have a range of differences in realizovyvaemyhoperatsy and price accordingly. So to buy a sewing machine should be taken seriously, examining in detail all the features of its work. Choosing a sewing machine is primarily dependent on whether you are a professional or a beginner seamstress. For beginners, perfect model with a smaller range of operations, as they will be much easier understand. And professionals can experience and more sophisticated techniques, because they are already well clear, what is the meaning of sewing.

You can even buy a toy car for your child. To remember the main thing: the sewing machine must meet your needs, ie decide for what purpose you are going to buy it. Professional seamstress to use a machine often enough, which is why powerful equipment to them is necessary. Sewing machine with locker accessory is perfect for those for whom the space it occupies is of paramount importance. Before making a final decision on the purchase of any model sewing machine, make sure that you know well enough about the features of her work. Electric sewing machine – perfect for everyday use. Computer sewing machines and overlock machines can be used both at home and in the workplace. Choosing a sewing machine – not an easy one, especially if you do not know for what purpose you want to buy it. However, if the problem is already apparent, then the site you can always get more detailed information about the desired you model.