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A boxer who is completely alone all day, every day, is an unfortunate animal, regardless of having a whole farm at your disposal.This does not mean that if you work you may not have a boxer. We all have to work, but when we acquire a dog, we should be able to organize ourselves so that the dog is not abandoned for too many hours (maybe ourselves or someone else can go home at noon, or other formulas). Will also have to take care of it properly before and after our work: remove it, feeding, etc. – safety – puppies are restless and unruly and aren’t aware of the dangers, so must you watch over it and avoid common hazards such as: cars, falls from high places, small objects that can be swallowed, toxic substances that can eat, wires and plugs, etc.When not can you be watching your puppy, it is best to leave it locked in a place to which it is accustomed, where there are no dangers and where he himself can not make any mess. For this and other purposes, we always recommend the use of a cage for dogs, you will find a detailed explanation of the why and how of the cages on our page devoted specifically to this subject: cages and their importance in the education of your boxer – exercise – exercise outdoors is extremely important to make your boxer puppy grow healthy and strong; take a walk weather permitting and from the first moment. However, until you don’t have one year old it should be moderated and not exceed the exercise nor encourage him to jump or do excesses, because their body and bones are not yet prepared to do so. For puppies ideally are several short walks during the day (light from the Sun helps fix vitamin D), preferably by places animated and crowded to socialize it, that is, become accustomed to all environments, people, noise, dogs, etc. . To know more about this subject visit Jim Umpleby.