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Choosing a Car

Choosing a Car

If you remember the famous movie 'The Matrix', then there are quite often mentioned the word choice. According to their idea of choice makes us different from a robot that it (the selection) are deprived. Therefore, the choice – it is always possible and it is wonderful. At some point, I became interested in the concept of choice and how to make it. Turns out it had long been interested in different people, including scientists. According to them the choice is made based on the criteria and these criteria are largely less than 1 and preferably to not more than 7.

In addition, criteria are divided into levels: there are general criteria and have particular criteria that are included in the general criteria. What I mean by general and particular criteria? Take any car, it has common properties such as: economy (consumption and the price of fuel and oil, repair costs, the price of spare parts), security (availability of safety systems, crash test rating) reliability / durability (service life vehicle, possible failure, if / y, the mileage), comfort (ergonomics, heating and ventilation, low noise), prestige (mostly – this class of car), the conditions operation (the area where the vehicle is operated, the number of passengers, climate), the low price (from the perspective of the family budget). Listed above are general criteria. Particular criteria – this property, on which depend the general criteria and that (partial criteria) has a car and on the particular criteria may depend on some common criteria. An example of partial criterion – the engine, depends on it efficiency, reliability, operating conditions, further transmission from her again depend on efficiency, reliability, operating conditions and safety (mainly for novice motorists), the system air-conditioning, it depends on the efficiency of the car and comfort. When we choose, we consider some or all of these criteria, and in our values they stand in different places. Keep all this in mind as well that if we tried to multiply and add-valued numbers in mind. On a few people are capable of.

Therefore it is necessary, somewhere to put these ideas and not keep them all at once in the head. How do I do? As I said earlier, we are not the first who asked the question of choice, so there is a chance that someone has already suggested methodology. One technique is implemented on our website Calculator Wish List. There is a calculator choose a car that offers a general and particular criteria, as well as the method of how to place importance on these criteria and compare them with cars, of which you choose. The main thing to understand is that the choice of doing yourself, only calculator doing mathematical operations, and proposes criteria. It's like a jack, he is just a tool, which keeps the car and enhances your actions when lifting the machine, but he could be able to pick it up without your help. I believe that the choice of car calculator a useful tool for comparison and evaluation.