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Umbilical Cords

Umbilical Cords

Every time they are plus the parents who decide to carry out the conservation of the blood of the umbilical cord of their babies. In the last years an increase of the 20 percent of this type of practice, the cryo-preservation of cells has taken place mother coming from the umbilical cord, that can be used for treatment of more of 80 very serious diseases like leucemias, linfomas and anemias. Around 25,000 families they decide every year to contract the services of collection, analysis and transfer of the cells mother of the baby through private banks. The cells mother have become a potentially limitless source of cells for the investigation or its clinical use in transplants. Learn more on the subject from Jim Umpleby. The transplant of bony marrow with adult hematopoyticas cells mother is the first example of use successfully of the cellular Medicine therapy and at the moment it is used like treatment of a great number of diseases. From not for many years, numerous patients who previously were excluded by their age or who they did not have a compatible familiar donor, have found in the cellular therapy an effective treatment for these diseases. The obtained cells mother of an umbilical cord criopreservadas and stored in blood donation points of cord mother can generate red blood cells, white blood cells, and plaquetas, besides having the capacity to regenerate the bony marrow and the immune system when this one is gotten depressed. In this way, " they can be used to carry out a hematopoytico transplant in patients who undergo of serious hematological diseases like leucemias and linfomas. In addition, the cells mother of the blood of the umbilical cord, would be potentially useful, not only in the hematopoytico transplant, but in regenerative medicine the treatment of cardiovascular, ophthalmological, orthopaedic, neurological diseases and endocrinas" , doctor Rafael explains Goatherd, of the Umbilical cord Bank of the Valencian Institute of Infertility.