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Mitsubishi UFJ

Mitsubishi UFJ

What betting: to the dollar or the euro? When many believed to have a clear idea on the subject, the latest developments added a large blanket of uncertainty about the relationship between these two currencies. In yesterday’s article we wondered if Europe should imitate us.UU. and assess the possibility of designing a contingency plan against the possible aggravation of the situation in its financial system should Europe imitating us.UU.? . I have to clarify that article I wrote before that they should give to publicize the news of the bailouts of financial institutions in Germany, England and the joint rescue of an entity by three European countries. With these facts is more than clear that it is necessary for European countries, the existence of a contingency plan.

On the day of yesterday, the turbulence at the start of the day in the international financial markets were the order of the day and made it clear what urgent and necessary was the approval by Congress of the US rescue plan.UU. But the Congress of the EE.UU. It was ignored on the first try for approval of such plan and everything was chaos at the close of the markets. While in the United States.UU. the Dow Jones fell 6.98%, in Europe closed in red with London registering a fall of 5.3%, Paris with a 5.04% negative and Frankfurt with a low of 4.23%. In Latin America, Brazil registered the worst regional low since in Sao Paulo, the Bovespa fell 9.7% while in Buenos Aires, the Merval registered a fall of 8.7%. Many innovations were also in financial institutions in several countries what happened yesterday with financial institutions? not happened, we should ask ourselves: in the United States.UU., Citigroup (NYSE:c) bought the activities of Wachovia (NYSE:Wb), Mitsubishi UFJ (TYO:8306; NYSE:MTU) purchased 21% of Morgan Stanley (NYSE:MS), which took control of the entity, which is very stricken by the crisis.

Industrial Engineering

Industrial Engineering

Desirable future.-work with a positive and surround mentality that leads to those involved (all) to establish the future that you want to and not to expect a probable future looming if he acts poorly and individualistic way. Criteria for success.-define indicators that will lead the company to leadership in a world class environment with support of a strategic information system. Since the improvement in the industry part of the existing system basic operations, then the improvement becomes an ongoing application process that includes product, process, management and workers. Continuous improvement applied to the product gave guideline to the philosophy of total quality, which is based on the approach of zero defects, and that departed from fundamental means proposed by the ILO: investigation of the product, the market and the clientele, applied study of the product, improving management methods, the study of methods and analysis of value. The industrial engineer of the present must be additionally strategist, visionary, change agent, facilitator of transformations to ensure the optimum production management and In addition, properly handle all the resources under their disposal, know the opportunities arising from current economic scenarios, the competitiveness, of demands competitiveness required by the present. We insist that it is necessary that the school of industrial engineering strengthened in the training and development of the new industrial engineer knowledge such as: proper handling of human relations (already quoted above), performance evaluation; participative leadership, modern topics of quality and productivity, and methods of work with a social approach; ergonomics; performance evaluation; technological development; commitment and accountability; Ethics and values.

Bear in mind also that the industrial engineer will face the challenge that raises the survival of companies before advances in methods of production, technology, information, internationalization, and a profile of consumers every day more complex and different. All this with creativity, with an attitude of innovation and integration with the world community increasingly close. Today more than ever, to the serious crisis facing the industrial sector of the country, especially the SMEs, it becomes necessary for a greater commitment of the schools of Industrial Engineering, which help them to move forward and seize the opportunities which are taking place on the national stage.. For assistance, try visiting Caterpillar.