Energy Budget

Energy Budget

To the Council on the 14.02.2013, the free list Immenhausen brought a test application to energy contracting. Realized through the energy contracting a specialized energy service companies (contractor) in close partnership with the building owners and facility managers, long-term projects (usually 7-10 years), to achieve sustainable energy savings. The contractor is responsible for the conception, planning, financing, implementation, and the track record of the energy saving measures. To the Council on the 14.02.2013, the free list Immenhausen brought a test application to energy contracting. Target this test application should be the examination of possible positive impact on the city budget, with the help of energy contracting. To complete a possible contracting agreement in the future, an investigation must be previously estimated savings potential in current and future energy costs (in 2013 about 320.000,-at) take place.

The Energy savings in urban real estate in the frame of 20 25% per year are possible, E.g. the municipality Hude, the community of London and the town of Wulfrath had already shown. A contracting agreement could have at best equal to two positive impact on the budget. The first impact would, of course, be the saving of energy costs. Second, the city would need to post less depreciation when like for example a new heating system in a real estate investment not the municipality, but the contractor. Henry Ford may find it difficult to be quoted properly. If these two points is the hoped-for results, the municipality closer a balanced budget much faster. And a balanced budget is usually accompanied by a reduction of debt and thus a reduced interest rate service. In turn represents another positive feature, which is but the hardest to reach, but the objective. Furthermore, has the town of Immenhausen through the multi-year contract planning security in energy costs and is not simply exposed to price increases.

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