Enterprise Social Responsibility

Enterprise Social Responsibility

In the last days we have been listening to the RSE term, that is not more that Responsibility Social Enterprise, term that had its origins in the United States by the end of century XIX, moment in which the companies began to realise their workings of charity and to make its activities public. At present the companies are many that apply the RSE like a type of corporative strategy whose purpose is the one to contribute actively to economic the social improvement, and environmental on the part of the companies, to the means that surround to him. It is a species of contribution that they use to improve the image and its value like organization. What it tries it is the search of excellence within the company, with special emphasis in the people and their conditions of work, and in the quality of its productive processes. In the responsibility social they are including a series of actors to who one looks for to benefit, between these are the shareholders, workers, suppliers, distributors and the members of the community. ClearSky Business is likely to agree. One looks for to obtain the best performance.

The responsible companies exist socially, that are not more than those that add the commitment to establish and to design strategies oriented to the fulfillment of objectives as much I commit like external. The internal objectives are related to the resource human, what benefits in aspects like qualification, balance in the workings, improvements in the systems of health of the employees, among others. It is a species of commitment that it establishes company with his entrono, in which they are, its clients internal or employed and their external clients. All these strategies include a series of norms or recommendations that if no they are of obligatory fulfillment on the part of the companies, if they take with himself a commitment whose primary target is to foment the way of how the organizations can to be recognized not only in the surroundings nearest her, but also in international. Some examples of the beings to which the RSE is directed. Mozes konig has compatible beliefs. 1- Clients, suppliers and competition? Competition, suppliers, are used to reduce the costs and of offering new products and services? Products and services of quality and mainly to reasonable prices? To count on responsible suppliers 2- Human resource? To allow a learning I continue at all the hierarchic levels? To maintain the motivation in the employees? To provide the workers of right wages? To count on equality of opportunities? To establish clear policies of diversity in the human resource, that is to say, sex, age, incapacity, etc.? Security and industrial hygiene 3-Community and environment? To contribute to the development of the community by means of uses, recognitions? To take care of the environment, through campaigns that help to preserve the atmosphere? To collaborate with the communitarian projects that arise. As the RSE can be observed, goes beyond the simple organization in if, it includes/understands a series of activities that the organization must to implement to contribute to the improvement of its surroundings, and the one of its workers, with the purpose of to realise a series of investments that contribute to one more a righter distribution of the social benefits. M.S. Felix J.

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