Federal Association

Federal Association

Participation specialist Klaus J. P. – Financial Manager and expert on assets and equity, Klaus J. Pitter provides its know-how Kilfitt in the future about experts exchange – Kilfitt, has extended for another year its contract with experts exchange and is thus interested investors, advisors and agents continue to available to them in his inimitable way of his profound knowledge to participate. The private equity market with its almost unmanageable variety of offers risks as we know some exceptional opportunities. Investors and investors, but also consultants and brokers, have it hard to keep track in this thicket and to separate the chaff from the wheat. The glut of “Magazines” and “Industry reports” as more contributes to the confusion as to the transparency, as the caste of the self-proclaimed “investor protection” and “Rating Popes” with their sometimes highly questionable business models.

In particular for Investment advisor and facilitator of participation is of vital importance to know what products they offer to their customers of in good conscience and which rather should steer clear of them. They are the liable towards investors advised by them for their recommendations. Beteiligungs expert Klaus J. Pitter-Kilfitt brings light into the darkness on entertaining and also for laymen to understand way and shows using comprehensible examples, how to distinguish a lucrative offer from an “on and da Fund” and thus lucrative opportunities, and can avoid unnecessary risks. References: as part of his commitment in the Board of the Federal Association of consumer-oriented economic consulting firm – procon e.V., Klaus J. P. has-Kilfitt at information events in whole Germany already several thousand consumers the opportunities and risks of the financial market as competent as catchy as closer.

As CEO of icon financial group, he was instrumental in the development of trend-setting and innovative investment concepts, e.g. the ISIS investment fund or the AVIMA asset plan, involved, and one of the fathers of a totally new, in the meantime from the market no longer to thinking away, generation of investment fund. In the JOP programme of the European Union and with the support of the European Commission, the German Embassy in Hungary, as well as the German-Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and industry – drew Klaus J. P.-Kilfitt with responsible for organizing and implementing one of the first cross-border cooperation exchanges in the enlarged EU internal market and contributed significantly to the building of successful business relationships in international financial institutions, such as the Winterthur and the BNP/Dresdner Bank. As co-founder of the procon Academy, as well as member of the first Board of the Consol AG (now Campus Institut AG), one of the leading institutes for the education and training of financial services providers in Germany, he has significantly promoted the qualification of consultants and intermediaries in the financial services business. Presentation Klaus J. Pitter-Kilfitt, Born in 1966, is a medium-sized financial services Corporation, Chairman of the Board. In the last 20 years he participated companies leading the creation of more successfully on the market. For 16 years he engaged in the design, analysis, evaluation and optimisation of investment offers and closed-end funds. In addition he is involved for more than 10 years volunteers on the Board of a consumer association, which focused on the qualification of financial service providers, as well as the analysis and assessment of financial services. For more information, see platinumspeaker.kilfitt.com

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