Latin American

Latin American

I wanted to let you know go through this article, the most common errors committed by many students of mathematics in solving exercises, so that you have in mind to avoid falling into the same situation. This was a study in the Latin American countries, reflecting the lack of mathematical foundations that have many students to enter university. Many of these issues are even in the early years of secondary school. The most common mistakes are: 1) Do not know how to apply correctly the law of signos.Calcular the value of the following expression: (-2) -1 – (-2) -1 = The correct answer is: 0 (zero ) The error made is that there is total confusion as to the application of the rule of signs, unfortunately this type of error is even among academics who have not had a good mathematical background. (Incredible, but it happens).

Where do you make the error? (We bump). (-2) -1 – (-2) -1 Anticipating the minus sign to parentheses, within 2 (two), it means that you should multiplication between signs: (-)*(-)=+ (less for less equals more.) Being affected (-2) to two (2) positive. Unfortunately, many students ignored the sign that anticipates the (-2), simply because they lack the proper application of the law of the signs that says: (+)*(+)=+(+)*(-)=-( -)*(+)=-(-)*(-)=+ If you think you have this deficiency, do not waste time and become aware of this, I assure you that within hours of review and study will be sufficient to overcome this handicap. 2) Do not know how to apply the general law to solve quadratic equations. Calculate the value of the following expression: X -4x +3 = 0 This is a quadratic equation. The common mistake is being committed is not known to apply the general formula and sometimes much less a factor. 3) Ignorance of the particularities of the number zero: do not realize that some operations are not defined or being defined reach incorrect results as follows: 5 / 0 = 0 (This is incorrect, since the division by zero is undefined) .

5 / 0 = 5 (incredible, but it happens). (This is incorrect, since the division by zero is undefined). 0 / 5 = 5 (we know that the answer is zero). 4) Problems with fractional resolution. Although it is a common theme, even in college mistakes in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of fractions. 5) Problems to solve cases of factoring. This is a subject considered as a basis for mathematics, as it constantly is being applied even after seen. I hope this article will be useful for waking up in mathematical understanding and if you want to overcome these errors, just visit:

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