Peruvian Mountain

Peruvian Mountain

Half of the penal population of Peru has between 18 and 29 years of age. The 2005 registered 25 thousand violent deaths. Many of these violent deaths, have been caused so that the victims ingested powerful overdoses of well-known tablets and easy adquisisicion in pharmacies like: Valium, Mandrax, among others. The victims they are always mature men, who salian to acquire their pension of retirement, their liquidation, its allowance, its pay, etc. in 2007 were only registered but of 70 cases of dopamiento of adult people of masculine sex, the great majority majors of 40 years of age. According to the police, the victims must have been but, but there are many survived and they do not denounce by verguenza, fear to the journalists, the ridicule of the friendly. The drama that lives in silence thousands of mature men of Peru, does not have when to finish. And it is that in Peru many horsemen of 40 years to but, like much to look for youngsters of 16.17, years to have sex.

There are them but bold, that ignoring the risks that suppose to have sex with juniors (jail), thus and everything look for girls of 15 inclusively, in order to spend hours to please in a hotel room. Peru, a tourist country, with innumerable wonders to see, is furthermore also a destiny for the Sexual Tursimo, that is no authority denies that it. In the cities of the Peruvian forest like Iquitos, Tarapoto, and some other any tourist can have sex with children of 13.14 years and until of less age. The customs in the forest in which to sexuality it refers are different from the Coast and Peruvian Mountain range. The girls in the forest have his first sexual experience to the 12 years of age. But this that can with facility in the forest to view and patience of the family parents, not can equally in Lima and other Peruvian cities, which although also they have certain index of infantile prostitution in Limean districts like Free Town, Scrub, Surrounded, San Miguel, the population does not see with good eyes these you practice and usually denounces any fact of this class, the adult of 40 years, man, inhabitant of the Peruvian capital, generally is married with a woman of 45,42,38 and usually one feels catched in a relation boring, without adventure, nor to please.

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