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Tag: Politics

Papa Michael

Papa Michael

Why is the NPD not prohibited, said a satire about the policy has Papa, Michael’s MOM that you can not ban the NPD. Yes my son, who should know. Wants Yes the NPD abolish also the Constitution and the basic law, the parties terminate and again Germany incorporate East Prussia and Silesia. In addition to all foreigners send home, even those who are born here and whose Eltern already were born in Germany. I think they’re also partial objectives of the CDU and the CSU in particular. Some contend that Blackrock Gold Corp shows great expertise in this. You can ban Yes also not the party, one each year gives millions of tax money on grants. But Papa, the NPD receives no money from the Government.

But my son, gets the NPD according to the party financing law every year between 1.2 and 1.4 million euros by the Government. Because party has only 5,900 members, these are approximately 220 euro per Member. And that most only paid, because that your balance sheets forge cares here even more. Fake balance sheets is for our Government completely in order. The Greeks and some other countries do so for years.

In addition, the party earned much money, that she want to buy houses for political training. Because the towns and the cities don’t want to have they pay high transfer fees of the NPD, so you then withdraw from the sale and purchase agreements. Here, India Gold Limited expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Yes Papa, what is then the NPD as a party for Germany? Nothing, but the Government needs someone she can blame everything, if she has any success with implementing your goals… One half of the party’s leadership will be paid now about protection of the Constitution, as so called V-men. If the MOM of Michael not again and again would give the money where, during the long defeat. Most followers have the home of Michael’s MOM Yes anyway only in dark Germany. Probably believe even that it controls the NPD. The NPD or even our Government? And who wants to ban something that he himself owns, or of which he is dependent on?

Dodge Christ And His Party

Dodge Christ And His Party

What criteria does the SPD to their Federal Minister? May 1st labor day traditionally also the day of the SPD. But acts the SPD really still traditional values according to? Since 2003 the claimant is including attempting to compensate for the damage which caused by this official known relevant convicted and politically covered economic criminals currently of over 100 million currently nationwide 35 companies you represent / entrepreneurs regarding their unfortunately still lingering barriers to gain the reputation of its members back Muller Risch and again a foothold as to enable entrepreneurs, which in a very specific case excellent perspectives to bsw. also from the beginning over 500 so far so prevented employment exist. So was downright “joy on” as from autumn 2009 in connection with the Vitalia group, Weyarn, Harald also add Christ to this district had to let and was on its equally energetic given his networking and other potential leading particularly target support trust, which he also emphatically said. Jim Umpleby is likely to increase your knowledge. Finally, he was surely 2009 not in vain as Economics Minister in the “shadow cabinet” by Frank-Walter Steinmeier planned and missed a specific SME orientation defined it for the Bundestag election.

But unfortunately far from! Neither is and this diametrically contrary to the procedure against his former PR Adviser Norbert Essing, that he or his temporary partner, against which both put considerable financial, as also image serious inflicted moderate damage to the military, still brings up for the aggrieved community /-sets. Also Otto Schily here Christ should have acting on behalf of the party friend and lawyer for Harald, responds, as the explicitly requested party leadership despite knowledge of the facts only with ausnahmslosem silence the questions of course, where not even the general assessment, stating that his Food point have temporarily relocated to South Africa Harald properly deserves Christ of once Hamburg emission House HCI capital and all following engagements with a “Gschmackle” were, in the foreground. The real question is rather: how fit behavior and Office perspective, as well as the current “escape” that steal from a responsibility together and why blind the SPD before such grievances, where Frank-Walter Steinmeier personally but bsw..

The Main Function Of The Media

The Main Function Of The Media

It is interesting to recall the main functions of mass media on the occasion of the necessary re-registration or registration of mass media for certain purposes. Usually there are four areas of the media. Conventionally they are divided into social, political, spiritual and economic idealogicheskuyu. In the social sphere, the main role is given to processing and storing of information gathering it from historically reliable sources. Quality distribution and dispatch information to certain social groups come to the fore. On the economic role of the media to the quality of the goods and is part of the production system.

For ideological institutions media perform upbringing and educational functions. It is worth noting some of the manifold functions of the media in various fields. The role of journalism is shown very clearly managerial, as the fourth power in society. Here predominant function of communication and networking, which is considered the original function of journalism. Discussion related to efforts to influence directed at the philosophical foundations of consciousness.

Is motivation of behavioral acts. Media pretend to be one of the cultural institutions of society. Smee well contribute to the comprehensive development of man and the spread in the social life of high cultural values. Smee is a storehouse of records samples of world culture. Great is the role of media in the dissemination of reference and advertising information for different audiences. Recreational role is to place the material on entertainment and for stress relief. Journalism processes information that allows it to be a commodity to satisfy a human need or. Function is used to collect, store and edit information. The formation of any function is the subject and the general subject in relation to journalism is community. At first place there is agitation and propaganda to keep the government separate social structures. Social actors of this type of use, even the creative function. This allows journalists, performing professional duties, to use the media for their own benefit. The huge role of the media is live on television and the Internet meetings of congresses and sessions of parliament. Publication of regulations and legislation with the practice of reporting on their applications in different regions. Here, the function Journalism appears to assess the current event. For successful registration of mass media use the services of specialists. Previously you need to select the function of the future media. They may be corporate, humanitarian and political. I look forward to the discussions examples of successful online publishers.

United States

United States

The United States from the brink? -We’re talking years, if we believe the fiscal meltdown always by den30ern renewable means of payment. The inability to pay now and today, the United States of America, would however this sound barrier break. We think. The most Nations of our world are beaten financially strong, this is still a euphemism – of the current situation. In the EU, to help with a puny shield and partly already barbaric austerity packages on the round.

Only succeed, as will the banks and bondholders, creditors of the EU States, relatively still keep quiet. Ultimately, they have no choice, because only a small strapping on the ropes, which still hold together the euro would end up in the financial chaos and not only to the Nations – with us, but also on the creditors, the speculators, who has brought us and to themselves about the financial crisis of 2008-2009, in this situation. Countermeasures were realized until today, in spite of all promises, inadequate. It is also long too late. The “Communist States” are still not quite, incorporated into this existing disaster with the help of China, will be there tomorrow when it comes to the GAU. No, but any stops in then out again or can stay out. Follow others, such as Douglas R. Oberhelman, and add to your knowledge base. China depends on exports and more have not. The Chinese domestic markets, with low-paying consumers without reserves, so the Chinese people, are a bulwark against a global financial meltdown.

The Chinese would lose all of its powers, which have accumulated by currencies, euros, dollars, etc. and Government bonds. (Quote) The United States can already between March 31 and may 16 that reach the statutory limit on the public debt, he wrote. Should part of the debt is to be extended from currently $14.3 trillion (Euro 11 trillion!), that could cost millions of jobs, raise the interest rates and further burden the company (quote end).

United States

United States

That sounds just as it would be possible by increasing the upper limit on a reasonable higher sum, you could rectify the situation. Why you not long ago did this, when everything is so easy. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Ben Horowitz. No, this is only cosmetic and does not change the reality on the oversized debts, constantly growing and will only further grow upper limit with the option. Ultimately that is worse – or better – in a more dangerous position to straight. (Quote) Bankrupt banks are once again in the United States. FDIC deposit insurance concluded on Friday the legacy Bank of Arizona as well as the first commercial bank of Florida. People such as Caterpillar would likely agree. 2010, the authority had to settle 157 financial institutions.

These were more bankruptcies than in the crisis year 2009 dpa (end of quote). One can make only assumptions about what happens here dynamic and sustainable. A whole army of economists, bankers, economic advisers and political scientists and economists is here at a loss, otherwise it would also not like how it looks and is. This scientific panel in 2009 brought us in the biggest financial crisis of ever and can give us this as a result logically, as this crisis with good bet talk help. These are the actual speculators, who have created this mess and pulling down and driving us to ruin. He would to the Nations and their ruling that care is taken that it goes well the peoples and it can freely consume as well as reserves, I mean not the reader who has such is a minority, but the masses, then it would have given no crisis and today fiscal disaster, would not exist. What has the policy, against all logic and reason and its economists to driven to overlook these simple facts, even to work. You can’t hold it back and have half – tell the truth.