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Genebaldo Exactly

Genebaldo Exactly

Cndida was young formosa that nor seemed from there, Gallego of meat, appetizing lips exactly, owner of a primoroso bust, one pale rose making until seeming that the sun had pleasure in touching it, made therefore it softly not to disarrange that one ' rose – mulher' of the chests of Cndida. Nobody, but nobody exactly has to say that Cndida, although what occurred, she was not young cautious. Pure. Also nobody, but nobody exactly has to deny that the meat attracts the meat, and when the same one is good it raises the desire. It was as soon as happened. You may find Jim Umpleby to be a useful source of information. Nobody knows as, the only thing that if can guarantee is that effectively it happened.

More or less five years before the fact atarracado man arrived that way, in coarse ways, saying that he buys the four land tasks directly of the children of Genebaldo that falecera little has more than month, even so such children, has more than fifteen years did not visit it, as well as they had not visited the mother that before dies six or seven years, leaving widower the old Genebaldo that after all were, alone and without nobody. The man arrived and was. One set to work it, he planted maize and beans. He planted jerimum and watermelon, but never he combined himself with the people of the village who exactly without instruction was educated people very and of good nature. Hospitable. They had spoken after the fact, that had known nobody knows as, that the man was criminal, and is for the Village of the Saint, to only hide itself of the relatives of its victim whom they wanted for fine force to avenge itself of the same. But they had only said this after the fact, before nobody commented swims. There exactly in the Village, together with Cndida Antonia, one grows moreninha mirrada, that when unclasped, took forms of fogosa, ancas wide, parideira woman, seios satiated, and that immediately afterwards it was to live in the city.

Real Crisis

Real Crisis

_ As you could make this! I was participating of a meeting of international cupola where she was being argued the economic crisis that the United States of America will go to suffer briefly! _ What! I have! It wakes up! How soneira she is this, wanted! Economic crisis of the United States! The United States they will never go to enter in financial crisis. They are the biggest economy of the world! This thing of the past. It wakes up! You come to take a bath pra to be able to rest right, you smiled it. _ You must not waked up have me. Necessary people to respect the sleep of the others took off me of a meeting importantssima! now? How I will go to know the outcome of everything? I know that the United States are the biggest economic power, but I go to enter in crisis, yes. Follow others, such as Starbucks, and add to your knowledge base. I was knowing of this agorinha! In these heights I already was waked up, clearly, and crying. In the truth nor I know why it cried.

I only know that it was enormous a mental confusion between unreal Real and, sensation this that it would not know to define. Thanks to God it passed fast. I asked for then that it seated to my side and I told, in the minimum details and of commanded form everything to it that it witnesses. It heard, but he repeated that it was only one dream. dream was dream. For more specific information, check out Reade Griffith. But, perhaps had my emotion, I felt that it was a little thoughtful.

After taking one ducha and lanchar I continued awaken as if everything had slept in those few minutes what it had to sleep. The impression of it occurs what me continued alive, generating vain speculations e, this, obviously, drove away me sleep. I passed the remaining portion of the night total insone, thinking, rethink.

The Soul

The Soul

Searching the house they turn the girl under the bed crying compulsory and one of them said: – comes here young woman, does not go to make to it badly, as is its name? – it is Brenda! – that pretty name you are the not necessary saved one now to have fear Brenda left and gave the hand to the policeman who wise person as the girl was if feeling for having lost the people who it more loved and it received it in its arms leaving to cry. Without perceiving a tear he rolls of its face and later another one and plus another one it left itself to still disarrange with the girl in its arms. It was taken for the house of an uncle ranzinza and without love that complained of everything, complained still more when it was knowing that brenda would go to live with it. Brenda already with its thirteen years does not discover what it was to be a child, not even wise person as it was to be loved again. In one late sunny Brenda left to give a return, in the garden of the uncle, who by the way was very pretty, had flowers for all side and the birds sang gladly making dances in the sky, beyond the breeze of the wind that the soul washed.

But brenda did not perceive nothing of this, only was looking at pro nothing, the mind becoming vacant looking for answers. Derrepente it saw one white beard gentleman looking at and opening one sorrisso, called it to it to seat to the side of it in a bank. It sat down and looked at for that one Sir, it seemed so familiar! It speaks: – How you are my young? I see air of sadness in you! – how I am? he asks still me? I am pssima, my life is a drug! who is you? – I am a friend, who you search already do not make a time! – But I do not remember you! – You never more me he looked for, I am your God and am here for I help to understand it! – God? I do not believe God, therefore when I more needed it I did not help me, when my parents I had died it did not intervine and left my small irmozinho to die at the hands of those outlaws and he did not make nothing, and still I had that I came to live with my uncle razinza that hates with all the forces to me of it, now says cad God to me? – I am here and without who you know, you come folloied its regret waiting patiently that you appealed me, plus this never she happened! It was not my guilt as you find, I you cannot intervine in the actions of the human beings, I you could force them make it the good and to love me, but forced love is not true love.

Liquor Day

Liquor Day

However you never saw that truck maritime, with a business on of the glass defending the eyes of the sun? Letronas never saw those: GMC? Therefore it is alone to read: Gemesse.Mas what it would go to make the living creature with the such Moaned? The banana production was not as much that demanded a truck. Coffee? Well that it could. if was to tread maize, rice and beans with would trilhaderia SCL. Manufactured in the Rio Grande Do Sul? But to each day Its Crescncio invented a new craze. In one of its poedeiras 120 trips codornas bought. It did not say pra nobody. It created bicinhas in mansion, there for bands of the river Saltinho.

When to start to almost botar age 100 eggs per day. Wants it to to make with that one ovarama all? In the first days it led for the city and it ordered one sink to vender eggs. It said that graniz was eggs of the hen. But all the saint day, had egg to vender. Until one day Cremi Owner came to ask: But that injured of hen garniz she is this that boot in such a way of the egg? U! Mrs. does not know? Garniz is a race of special hen that it came of estranja. It shows me.

Not of. But pruque in one of? For case of the looked at evil. thus the egg sales of garniz of estranja was gaining fame. Then it happened to rain per one week entire and the bridge of the river Saltinho, was even so with the torrent. It had egg that it did not finish more. What to make now? It seated next to the stove and it was to read a Register of the Biotnico Fontoura. Egg Liquor prescription. Soon the question was decided. The problem was to break eggs.