The Terrestrial Magnetism

The Terrestrial Magnetism

The TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM AND ITS CHANGE OF POLARITY When the North Pole is in the South Pole the Earth magnetism are a species of invisible irradiation that is originated in center of the planet and it extends towards the deep space, protecting to the planet of solar winds. In addition, magnetism serves the terrestrial us to orient with a compass or serves to us to the animal in its migratory trips. Nevertheless at the moment the Earth magnetic poles do not agree with the geographic poles, because the Earth magnetic field varies according to the geologic eras. During last the five million years twenty investments have taken place more than, not knowing itself when she will be the next one, because this one does not follow a sequence regular. Being shortage a weakening accused of the Earth’s magnetic field, assumes that it is not necessary to discard a next investment of the poles. In fact there are places where the magnetic field is already inverted, for example in the South Atlantic. When, he is something that no scientist can affirm with exactitude. Through simulations one knows that in an investment of the poles, that is not another thing that the Poles change of position, the Earth’s magnetic field will be chaotic during many years.

And as the magnetic field acts like protective shield against the cosmic irradiation, in case of its weakening, the solar winds they will arrive at the Earth with much more intensity, with his corresponding consequences for the life, that is to say, emission a concentrated Gamma Ray would kill if not to all, yes to many alive beings. It is not even known with certainty if the human body could continue existing with the form we know that it, because without the magnetism in the body, the life is not possible. The worlds vegetal and animal would undergo equally great modifications. In the book ” Origin and formation of enfermedades” , published for 25 years by the Publishing house DAS Word given through the present prophetic word, can be read the following thing: The Earth’s magnetic fields are scopes of vibration of different types, that in set is call Earth’s magnetic field. They are ” points neurlgicos” of the Earth, and at the same time the mirrors of the inhabited planet.

Between their magnetic fields and the Earth magnetic fields, exist a constant reciprocal action. Each continent has its special magnetic field, that in agreement with its accumulated, there mineral metals and wealth of the subsoil, emits vibrations that are transmitted by the currents magnetic to all the Earth and everything what lives in her: men, animal, plants and stones In this can even be seen that with modern science and the numerous obtained advances, still cannot be included/understood absolutely what the Spirit of God transmitted to us at that time, for example that the consequences of our destructive behavior with the environment, have to see themselves from a much more long term perspective than we can be imagined today. Mainly that the diseases have to do with the destruction of the planet Earth. Also that if we destroyed the magnetic fields, we also destroyed our body. Something exceeds what we would have to reflect, because the man is a part of the nature, an Earth component and therefore is logical to imagine that what we do to him to the Earth, our place of origin, to us we are making it same.

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