$250 Million For German SMEs.

$250 Million For German SMEs.

Private equity wants to invest about $250 million in European company 2009 company! Despite the financial crisis, it seems still enough to give companies that continue to pursue a course of expansion. Hear other arguments on the topic with Ben Horowitz. Above all the American private equity firm Bloomberg & Roush Inc. This year million in German, Austrian and Swiss companies are to be invested over $250. We talked to the operational Managing Director David McKenna. Thomas Bayer: Mr. how to get McKenna, now on the idea of such a high investment of over $250 million (nearly 200 million)? David McKenna: (laughs) well the reason is quite simple, we recorded a stronger growth as other companies in our industry in recent years, and therefore just in a crisis situation like today the nose forward. We have always avoided to carry our profits in highly speculative investment vehicles, as was the case with many industry colleagues. Thomas Bayer: In other words, your company has got to feel the financial crisis much less as the industry in General? David McKenna: Thereabouts.

We have can provide a basis through our targeted range of portfolio companies in the last few years, which could be a temporary economic slowdown will be bridge. Of course we, too, which is the current economic situation bad to very bad note, however, that is still no existential threat, such as for many banks for us. Benefit right now we grow by portfolio company that defies your business fields financial crisis. Thomas Bayer: What are these companies? David McKenna: Manufacturers of luxury goods, alternative energy, armor technology and commodity companies belong to the companies that are currently not or even not so heavily affected. Is also the one or the other machine builders. Thomas Bayer: Why do you invest in Europe and especially in Germany? There are no interesting companies in the United States? David McKenna: Of course, there are still enough interesting companies in the United States.

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