Complutense University

Complutense University

Popular wisdom suggests that in times of crisis it is sold less. But this is an analysis which according to MEDIFORMPLUS, the advice of management and Strategic Marketing that works with approximately 400 offices in all Spain, is superficial and biased. Noting in detail the evolution of parapharmacy sales, we can corroborate that it isn’t entirely true. Changes occur in times of crisis. Understanding them is essential when developing strategies at the pharmacy, whether promotional policy of price or loyalty, as explained by Diana Galan, external consultant of Mediformplus and temporary Titular professor at the Complutense University of Madrid. And is that for this renowned advice must only refer to key and accurate data as the market study carried out by British company M & C Saatchi, titled Reacting to Recession (reacting to the crisis) which identifies different types of customers according to their reactions to the crisis to give account cannot be sold less because the economy does not accompany you. In recent months, Jonas Samuelson has been very successful. Bridging the gap between our country and the British can be drawn some important conclusions in deciding how to work with our clients, added Galan.

Crash-dieters, or followers of strict regime (20% in the UK market). By order of importance in story to market volume, our neighbors placed first to this figure. They are a segment of older than lower middle class women, whose goal is to spend as little as possible. At the pharmacy are purchasers of drugs exclusively, since articles of parapharmacy acquire them in other establishments (supermarkets or preferably discounts). There is not the business. They are followed by the escatimadores (18.7%).

This segment is interesting for the pharmacy if you know leverage. It is a client who have a great consumption inertia and refuses to renounce certain products, but who are willing to switch brands. White and low-priced brands will make the August with them.

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