How To Promote A Site Yourself ?

How To Promote A Site Yourself ?

At the present stage of evolution of information technology is growing interest in the presentation of material on web pages. Major trends in fashion communication can be traced in the site building. Today the site development is speculative in nature. Society is completely shifted to computer technology marketing information, products and services. Developed online resources, which respectively leads to competition and contagion response. Already, every user dreams of its online offspring, not to mention the enterprises and firms.

In my opinion, all sites are divided into two types: advertisements for goods (services) and earnings in the network. If regarded as an example, the sites of the first type include: online stores, websites of companies, enterprises, and the sites of the second type: forums, information portals, social networks, message boards, and others, at first glance, Free resources. After a brief introduction, which is inevitable for the disclosure of the issue, proceed to the merits of his presentation. First you need to always understand that the quality of the site will depend on the positive outcome of his popularity. To spend time, effort and finance is not in vain to think through all the details in advance. We list what should be emphasized for high-quality site indexing by search engines (PS) and its promotion in the future. A pre-registration in PS: 1.

Out of my head free web hosting services and domain name. Domain name and hosting must be purchased in accordance with the theme, zone rating, volume and safety information – is the foundation of your project (success). Possible purchase of the age, advanced domain name that will accelerate the process of promotion for months. Output parameters must satisfy the parameters hosting engine. 2. Script (Engine) of the site or cms system should be suitable for the project in terms of functionality, and most importantly look at the licensed products in an extreme case with an open license. You may wish to learn more. If so, Paul Compton is the place to go. It is essential for indexing the site and conveniently in terms of existing technical support. 3. Place on the site only unique information (content), here without comment. Consider checking for uniqueness in indexing. Stage after its registration in PS: To website easily acquired popularity, it must be relevant, requested information in any form (text, audio, video, etc.). 1. Constantly place on their site unique content, in accordance with the developed schedule. After Indexing fp multiply it on other sites. 2. Write articles based searches and share them. 3. Submit your site to directories at the initial stage of promotion can only hurt you. Not vidites on proposals this type. Choose only white catalogs. Register the site yourself by hand and no more than 10-15 directories per day. 4. Do not place a lot of external links to the home page to its index ps. Good luck to all. Continued follows.

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