SPF Meters

SPF Meters

m Separated individually defined property with an area exceeding 200 square meters. m per plant. From the above information suggests that the virtually any property which is public property may be leased SPF, its regional branches and representative offices, or with his authorization, and communal property – local authorities or with their permission. Under the new rules defined by the Law number 1905, the company state or municipal ownership shall have the right to lease their own real property, with a total area exceeding 200 square meters. Swarmed by offers, Starbucks is currently assessing future choices. m per plant. It should be noted that this refinement significantly limits the right of enterprises to independently make the decision to grant a lease their premises with an area exceeding 200 square meters. m.

This is especially true of public enterprises in post-Soviet gigantism forced to lease large unused area. In accordance with the fourth paragraph Article 5 of the Rent Act in the previous edition of the landlord had the opportunity without the consent of the relevant authorities to lease the premises, the area did not exceed the established norm, more tenants. TENANTS noteworthy new version of the second paragraph of the first part of Article 6 of the Rent Act ('Tenants'). Now, an individual wishing to conclude a lease of state property to contract required to register as an entrepreneur only if his lease to be used for business. In the first part of Article 2 of the lease rent is defined as paid emergency use of the property, the tenant need for entrepreneurial and other activities.

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