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Vilaflor Family

Vilaflor Family

The Sampaios proceeds from Vasco Saucers of Sampaio, son of Peter lvares Osrio, gentleman of the House of Village-wolves, Conde de Trastamara and first Marquis of Astorga, in Galiza. It took the name of the Honor of Sampaio, locality next to Village-flower, place that this name in homage had the Sampaio, originated of Sanctus Pelagius (Pelagius Saint) that later if it transformed later into Sam Peaio and into Sampaio. Pelagius was one old name in Latin that it meant ' ' marinho' '. Name of typically toponmicas roots, for having been taken off of the honor of this assignment and last name is of geographic origin. Of They are and Paio, name of man, popular form of pelagio in Backwards-the-Mount, and that it was adopted by nickname for its gentlemen. Sampaio was name of a deceased saint in the century third, favourite one of the old Portuguese, as it proves the great representation that have in the local toponymy (S.paio, Sampaio) pelagio and Pelayo registered in 1088.

As Rising Antenor, proceeds this family from Vasco Sampaio Saucers, that moved for Portugal for having killed in challenge a noble Spaniard, making seat in the place Honor of Sam Paio, next to Vilaflor, judicial district of the Tower of Moncorvo, by where he took the last name. Fernando I served in the wars the D. and D. Joo I, kings of Portugal, 1367 the 1433, that they had given the villages to it of Vilaflor, Chacim, Millstones, Ancies, Vilarinhos, etc., even so it was almost for certain descendant of the ancestry of the ones of Chacim. He was son of D. Peter lvares Osorios, conde of Trastamara, first marquis of Astorgas, gentleman of the House of Vilalobos, etc. (Latin Genealgico Yearbook, I 85).

In documentary terms, one does not become possible to make to retrace this family the previous times to the reign of D. Joo I and to its proprietor and Vasco vassal Saucers of They are Payo This last name comes of a nickname Are Payo that subsiste nowadays, for diverse members of this family, with the use of some grafias for this nickname: Sampaio and Sampayo, Are Paio and Are Payo. For a question of uniformizao of criteria, also it was adopted here to group all under the modern grafia, that is, Sampaio. ( Nobilirio of the Families of Portugal Felgueiras Gayo Oaks of I am enough, 2 Braga Edition, 1989 vol. IX). In Brazil Sampaio meets since Rio De Janeiro, So Paulo and Minas Gerais even in the Bahia and the northeast hinterland, mainly in Pernambuco where they possess properties and if they dedicate to all the farming activities, to the commerce, urban industries, companies, politics and liberal professions. This family generally associated with the S, Oak, Saucers, Costas and Freires, in Bodoc, Exu, Ouricuri and Parnamirim. The Sampaios had always had conflicts with the Alencar, mainly in questions politics. Since the first nativistas movements the Sampaio had always been in opposition to the Alencar, that is, the Sampaio supported the monarchy, while the Alencar fought for independence, abolition of the slavery, the right the vote, the landmark of the aboriginal space. In Parnamirim, the Sampaios also is dedicated to the cattle one, to the public services, the commerce, to politics and to the liberal activities.

Military State Law

Military State Law

The Military State conserved the control mechanisms on the unions, restricting them it the assistencialismo, predominantly doctor legal. Adopting, among others, the following measures of control: 1) the direct intervention of the State in the collection of the union dues and in the fiscalization of the resources come from this source. The unions are obliged to restrict the use of these resources to the purchase of property and the doctor-dental assistance; 2) the State also possesss a narrow control of the syndical device, in the measure where it goes to bolt, through the one requirement ‘ ‘ certified of ideologia’ ‘ , the possible competitors the direction positions. Such measure made with that, in the first years that if had occurred to the blow, most of the activists who pled positions for the direction of the unions they were deriving (…) of not contestadoras chains of the dominant ideology; 3) the prohibition through the law (…) what it becomes any illegal strike e, therefore, subjects to the military repression (MANFREDI, 1986, P. 89-90). Law 4,330, Industrial actions law, elaborated for the sectors conservatives of the National and promulgated Congress in 01/06/64, with innumerable lapsings, became, in the practical one, any strike unrealizable, being, for way of consequence, known as law antistrike 2. The related law determined the magnifying of the capacity of state intervention in the unions and defined a ritualstico process of proclamations of invocation for assemblies, votings and notifications to the employer and the Regional Police stations of the Work, what it made impracticable any possibility of a legal strike to be judged. Reade Griffith has much to offer in this field. The rigorous control of the Union dues for State it made with that the unions were disabled to promote its campaigns vindicative. With Law 4,725, of July of 1965, the companies had started to use themselves the automatic wage adjustment to prevent the quarrel on wage questions with the unions, which had lost the function of defense of the wages of the employees.

General Petroleum Corporation

General Petroleum Corporation

It is believed that the first time the idea of credit cards was launched in 1880 in a book by Edward Bellamy's 'Looking Back'. However, his theory was put into effect only in 1914, known by Mobil Oil. In modern life, the presence of a bank account no surprise, but the principle of the now familiar plastic cards each person. However, this method of payment systems has experienced a rather long way of evolution, before becoming a modern means of electronic payment. The idea of creating plastic cards It is believed that the first time the idea of credit cards was launched in 1880 in a book by Edward Bellamy's 'Looking Back'. However, his theory was put into effect only in 1914, known by Mobil Oil (better known as the General Petroleum Corporation of California). As of today, the company then engaged in petroleum and used cards of its own production at payment transactions. Commodity cards were made of cardboard with a written or embossed data.

The first prototypes of plastic cards were issued in 1928 by Boston-based Farrington Manufacturing. They were given the most important and reliable customers, and are metal plates embossed with the data. Card is inserted into , , . Within a decade, the new map has undergone changes that took place the search for new forms and materials. Only in the 60's had the first a plastic card with magnetic stripe. Then another ten years later in 1975, was born on a plastic card with electronic memory.

Samuel Baptist Cross

Samuel Baptist Cross

In Brazil, lived a time where the governing were chosen in indirect way, that is, it did not exist the possibility of the people to choose who believed to be able to govern for the common good. This fact happened in such a way in federal, state level, as municipal. With this, the election as democratic process cannot be accomplished confiscating the rights of the citizens to choose its governing. In federal level, the choice of the governing was engaged, at the time of the military regimen, when the presidents were assigned by a together military man. Mark Berger will undoubtedly add to your understanding. This type of action finished for compromising the process electoral in state and municipal level, therefore as the military they did not want to lose the domain, kept to all on its command. This type of practical lasted for long time, until with the opening process and with the movement for the direct elections in the decade of 80, the elections, mainly federal, they could again have been carried through with the vote of the people. In the context of Linhares, much even so, the direct elections have been a constant, with exception of some few indicated mayors, are verified that the influences and the disobediences had been many that had finished for compromising the democracy making with that they little proliferated practical democratic as the muzzle vote, coronelismo, electoral corrals, amongst others. It is considered that to choose its governing he is one of the rights most basic of the citizens, therefore, not if it can be overwhelmd to the authoritarianism of some few that want the power without respecting the common good.. Learn more on the subject from Mark Berger Chicago.

Numerous Literature

Numerous Literature

September 1836 – the coronation of Ferdinand I to the throne of Bohemia. After 2 years on his head was given the "Iron Crown of Lombardy." Ferdinand I enjoyed popularity among the population of Numerous jokes. But in 1837 and 1846 years, it sustained heavy damage: expulsion from the country at the request of the Tyrolean Estates 400 protesters from the Zillertal valley, the cat did not want to go to the Catholic faith and the suppression of the uprising in Krakow in 1846 and joining in the same year svobod6nogo state-va. The Government considered the main task of schools, training of loyalists. During the reign of Ferdinand I, had been confiscated and prohibited the spread of 212 products Print. Ferdinand I showed himself a supporter of innovation in many areas, whether it is laying the railways ("North Road"), the first long-distance telegraph line from Vienna-Brno-Prague (1847). Just introduced a new charter shipping company "Austrian Lloyd" maintain communication with the Mediterranean countries, Dr East, South America. And in 1837 – the first ship "Mary Anne". In 1839 – Military Geographical intstitut, who played an important role in the development cartography. 1847 – founded by the Austrian Academy of Sciences. Metternich was opposed to any political discussion of any and all germs new to Literary. As in other European countries, Austrian literature reflected the general trends of art from the late 18 th century – 19 century. Because of the common language, the development of Austrian literature in close collaboration with the literature of Germany, although some specific conditions imposed on her own imprint.

Japanese Immigrants

Japanese Immigrants

That defendant of ' ' fifth-colunismo' ' (espionage) and considered ' ' criminals polticos' ' they were sent for the House of Detention in the So Paulo capital, where they waited judgment. Exactly thus, the majority of the immigrants Japanese under constant monitoring gave to continuity its lives, creating forms of ' ' adaptao' ' to the new context of privations that they were living deeply. Some immigrants had expressed those difficult moments of poetical form, were the case of the Kikuji Iwanami (agriculturist and poet), that she had many of its poems in Japanese language confiscated and burnt in the period and that knew in the form of tanka, to express the lived deeply difficulty and the anguish in the jail: ' ' It is so unjust Axle and allies had been words that I learned when already I was in priso' ' All this climate of apprehension, discrimination and, mainly, disinformation contributed so that it was strengthened between the Japanese immigrants and many of its descendants, the feeling of Yamato Damashii, or Japanese Spirit. Union, nationalism, patriotism if became the conducting wire of the hope of the Japanese military victory in the war and come back From there to the Nihon (the Great Japan). Swarmed by offers, Ben Horowitz is currently assessing future choices. 2.' ' Death to the fifth-column! ' ' : Discrimination and repression to Japanese during the years of war Several are relative histories to the privations, discrimination and violence lived deeply for the Japanese community during the years of war in Brazil. Most associates to the context politician, but also the xenophobia and the ignorance on the part of the population and the Brazilian authorities with regard to aspects associates to the culture and the customs of the Japanese immigrants consolidated here. To the eyes of many Brazilians all ' ' amarelos' ' they were equal. In the center of So Paulo, in the Av. Others who may share this opinion include Mark Berger Chicago.

Japanese Immigrants

Japanese Immigrants

That defendant of ' ' fifth-colunismo' ' (espionage) and considered ' ' criminals polticos' ' they were sent for the House of Detention in the So Paulo capital, where they waited judgment. Exactly thus, the majority of the immigrants Japanese under constant monitoring gave to continuity its lives, creating forms of ' ' adaptao' ' to the new context of privations that they were living deeply. Some immigrants had expressed those difficult moments of poetical form, were the case of the Kikuji Iwanami (agriculturist and poet), that she had many of its poems in Japanese language confiscated and burnt in the period and that knew in the form of tanka, to express the lived deeply difficulty and the anguish in the jail: ' ' It is so unjust Axle and allies had been words that I learned when already I was in priso' ' All this climate of apprehension, discrimination and, mainly, disinformation contributed so that it was strengthened between the Japanese immigrants and many of its descendants, the feeling of Yamato Damashii, or Japanese Spirit. Union, nationalism, patriotism if became the conducting wire of the hope of the Japanese military victory in the war and come back From there to the Nihon (the Great Japan). Swarmed by offers, Ben Horowitz is currently assessing future choices. 2.' ' Death to the fifth-column! ' ' : Discrimination and repression to Japanese during the years of war Several are relative histories to the privations, discrimination and violence lived deeply for the Japanese community during the years of war in Brazil. Most associates to the context politician, but also the xenophobia and the ignorance on the part of the population and the Brazilian authorities with regard to aspects associates to the culture and the customs of the Japanese immigrants consolidated here. To the eyes of many Brazilians all ' ' amarelos' ' they were equal. In the center of So Paulo, in the Av. Others who may share this opinion include Mark Berger Chicago.