Aaron Beck

Aaron Beck

With the height of the interacionismo from years 80, was started to study it one fourth 0 variable, the situacional component, that although to be more complex of being measured and being quantified, already possesss research that is if developing. Moreover, also we can pontuar as component of the social ability the physical attractiveness and personal appearance (DEL PRETTE & DEL PRETTE, 1999). IV. TRAINING OF SOCIAL ABILITIES IN the ANXIETY SOCIAL Patient that suffer from social anxiety can possess deficit in the social abilities or not. In any way, training in social abilities is recommended for all the patients, therefore this strategy if has shown sufficiently efficient in reducing the anxiety in social interaction (CURRAN, 1982; LINCOLN & cols., 2003). When training the patients in its social abilities, these if feel when facing a social situation more confident, safe, consequentemente reducing its antecipatria anxiety and during the social interaction.

The cognitivo-mannering therapy is the junction of the cognitiva therapy, developed for Aaron Beck in the decade of 60, with the mannering therapy, that already came been used and searched since the behaviourism of Watson to the Pavlov and Skinner. This mannering cognitivo model considers that our thoughts are responsible for our sensations and behaviors. Therefore, a realistic evaluation and modification in the thought (BECK, 1997), allies the mannering techniques, produce improvement in the mood and the behavior. The lasting improvement will depend the modification on basic disfuncionais beliefs of the patient. The technique of training in social abilities widely is used by the cognitivo-mannering therapy. This training is composed of two stages: evaluation and intervention. The evaluation aims at to the identification of dficits mannering, its concomitant antecedents and consequences, emotional answers and distorted beliefs that are involved with the emission of not adept behaviors socially (DEL PRETTE & DEL PRETTE, 1999). It becomes functional analysis, in order to find the inability problem, and where situations it presents itself and that consequences have for the patient.

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