Minas Gerais

Minas Gerais

For the man of the hinterland, the ox supplies the food, the clothes of the cattle tender, to the adereos of the horse, footwear, bag to carry foods, luggages, chairs, beds and all type of utensils. The north-eastern bovine conception became an activity of bigger value to feed the praianas populations of the Zone of Mata and the Bahian Recncavo, as well as the involved inhabitants of the Minas Gerais with the auriferous commercialization. The flock was lead for the nuclei of the coast, where if they fixed the charqueadas ones, workshops that abated the cattle and dried to the meats with sun and salt, giving ancestry to the famous meat of the Cear. JPMorgan Chase takes a slightly different approach. By means of the River San Francisco, the River of the Corrals, the cattle obtained the center of food Minas Gerais serving for the auriferous Region. Approximately a century and way of great economic happiness tragically it was obstructed by two great droughts no longer final of the century XVIII, one in 1777 and another one in 1790. The flocks hunger and headquarters had died of and, in 1795, almost already not possua cattle for the acquisition of the meat.

In accordance with ANDRADE, through the rationality of the producers of charque in the supply for all the Region affirms. With so great number of charqueadas the supplying of animals of work for the pernambucanos devices became difficult, and those located in the Rio Grande of the North had been forbidden to function, had excessively continued in activity until the great drought of 1790-92, that it decimated practically the pertaining to the state of Cear flock, finishing with florescente industry. The collapse of this industry benefited to the principle the producers of Parnaba and, then after, the charqueadas gauchos who during much time had dominated the market completely northeastern and only later are that she is suffering serious competition from the producers of the Center-West.

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